Monday, June 2, 2008

Playful Parenting vs. straight up discipline

I'm reading Playful Parenting by Lawrence Cohen, Phd. It's a great read. Instead of the type of parenting book where you alternate between "duh, I'm not that stupid" & "no way with my kid" this one is really creative. I feel like I could put these principles into practice and get results.

I saw Dr. Cohen speak at the LLL Florida conference and last year and while I enjoyed his talk, I couldn't visualize putting his ideas into practice since Finn was just over a year and conflict was pretty minimal.

And the best part about it is it sounds fun. Rather than be the policeman and count seconds in time out, it's about how to use laughter and fun to work around an impasse. I really like the idea of being a parent, meaning the hopefully wiser adult, not the bad guy, so this really speaks to me.
His website is

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